Final fantasy xi seekers of adoulin
Final fantasy xi seekers of adoulin

Back from the Dead: At the very end, thanks to Rosulatia.

final fantasy xi seekers of adoulin final fantasy xi seekers of adoulin

After his father was killed he was raised by Morimar and remains his companion

  • You Shall Not Pass!: He does this towards Hades to allow The Adventurer get away.Ī giant tiger and son of the legendary beast that fought and befriended King August.
  • Wild Man: He is a burly man who lives in the wilderness with a tiger.
  • Sole Survivor: He was the only one of the eleven knights to survive King Augusts expedition into the Ulbuka Jungle.
  • Riddle for the Ages: How he is still alive is never answered.
  • Really 700 Years Old: Is over a thousand years old.
  • Parental Substitute: To Darrcuiln, after his father is killed along side King August in their battle against Hades.
  • The Morimar Basalt Fields are named in his honor
  • Living Legend: He's one of the Knights who fought along side King August, and the one who passed on his last decree.
  • Interspecies Friendship: With the tiger, Darrcuiln, the dragon Sajj'aka and the xol,Teodor.
  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: At the hands of Hades.
  • Hades himself is confused about why Morimar was so content just living with nature
  • Humble Hero: In contrast to Hades being a Visionary Villain.
  • final fantasy xi seekers of adoulin

    Heroic Sacrifice: He pulls this by trying to distract Hades from killing the party.Big Eater: Shown at the end of the Seekers of Adoulin story line.Back from the Dead: He is resurrected by Rosulatia during the end of the story.An Axe to Grind: He wields a massive ax for his weapon.After passing on Augusts final decrees to the people of Adoulin, he left for the wilderness and was not seen again One of the eleven generals that journeyed with King August into the wilderness.

    Final fantasy xi seekers of adoulin